Monday, January 10, 2005

Why blog??

Well....WHY NOT ?? It's not like this will be the first place to find a lot of useless personal, ordinary information on the internet.

Thankfully, it seems that there has been a shift in our culture, where we have become somewhat disinterested in the sensational and fascinated by the ordinariness of life, (ie reality television) so perhaps somebody will read this and somehow find it interesting. Maybe it is because most of us live in "the ordinary" and we can relate to it better. Maybe we have become so bombarded by sensationalism, we have become immune to it's effects. I am reminded of a Christmas letter we received from friends in BC. They claimed nothing extraordinary happened in their life this past year , so instead told us about their ordinary events, including a trip to Walmart to buy steel bowls..(see I was somewhat surprized by how incredibly interesting and entertaining this was for me to read. I could relate to it....I've been to Walmart....I've bought useless crap before....tell me more !!!!
Later after thinking this over a bit, (ie wondering what is wrong with me that I would find dumb stuff so interesting) I realized that there is a therapeutic value in all this. It seems like the first half of your life you are trying to find yourself, trying to fit in, trying to measure up, trying to appeal to this ideal life the media beats you over the head with, trying to figure out where I went wrong in life that my existence is so ordinary, and suddenly thanks to culturally relevant TV you realize that we're all pretty much all the same, and that the perceived ideal is mostly fantasy... Ninety five percent of all our lives are ordinary and routine.
One of my favourite authors, Fredrick Buechner writes about how people are always looking for God in the sensational and miraculous, but suggests that perhaps God speaks to His creation most loudly through the ordinary events of our lives, between the end of one sentance and the start of the next, when there are no words spoken...
I guess all this is leading to my point that I don't have an overly sensational , soon to be documented on Dateline, life, but perhaps that is what makes it most is ordinary and it is real.
If you are at this point extremely bored, this is your opportunity to find another website. Lord knows there is an infinant amount of sensational crap out there to numb your senses.


Garth said...

Welcome to blogworld! I agree that there is some value to self-reflection. It is a little weird doing so online but I personally never found time to journal by pen & paper and I think this is the next best thing.


BTW - I love Buechner's writings as well!

Jeremy said...

I'm officially recognizing this historical moment as the Rosenort Connection Blogging Explosion.