Saturday, January 15, 2005

Why I Sometimes Wish I was not a Christian..

How's that for a catchy title.

I was looking through my "goto" newspage this morning and followed a headline titled, "Aid workers warned not to preach". Apparently some Christian based Aid groups are using the opportunity to proselytize to the predominantly Muslim Indonesians. A quote in the article pissed me off ! Evangelist Mark Kosinski (from WorldHelp) states, "...these people need food but they also need Jesus...God is trying to awaken people and help them realize that salvation is in Christ."
So I gather what he is saying is : 1) that God is the planner and orchestrator behind natural disasters that cause inconceivable suffering 2) This happened in Asia rather than in the USA because they are Muslims 3) you are most likely to get conversions when people are vulnerable because hey haven't eaten in a week, have no place to sleep, and are fighting disease...."Let's go get 'em bretheren "!!!!!!!!

Here's a thought ...maybe filling somebody's stomach, helping them find loved ones and shelter, and giving them the medicine they need to survive is the greatest form of Christian service...maybe it is the gospel in action in flesh and blood, a practical compassion, and guess can do all of these things without ever opening your mouth !!! I refer you to Matthew 25: 34-40

How's that for a personal rant !!

1 comment:

Garth said...

Check out the link on the page for Jon Stewart's interview with Jim Wallis - he makes use of the Matthew passage you employed.


Here's a quote from one of our mutual influences that I'm sure you will appreciate in regards to Jim Wallis' recent book entitled God's Politics -

"The Left mocks the Right. The Right knows it's right. Two ugly traits. How
far should we go to try to understand each other's point of view? Maybe the
distance grace covered on the cross is a clue."